Bible Verse for February 20th.

Putting confidence in an unreliable person in times of trouble is like chewing with a broken tooth or walking on a lame foot.

Proverbs 25:19
NLT Bible

We cannot walk through life alone. Many of us have a few trusted friends we rely on, who are there for us in both good and bad times. However, the true test of such a friendship is whether these friends are reliable, trustworthy and dependable in our times of trouble. People can betray or leave us in the lurch for a number of reasons. They could be envious of our successes, unreliable, mean spirited or just indifferent to our needs. Young people especially need to be careful about the people they turn to in times of crises, as the wrong advice can take them on a destructive path.

This verse compares the folly of trusting an unreliable person to the pain of chewing on a broken tooth or walking on a painful foot and this is easy to visualize. God is the only One we can completely trust. He is faithful, trustworthy and will never leave us. He is our Helper, Deliverer, Rock, Strength and Hope and we can share our innermost thoughts with Him. It's impossible to find a perfect person, but with wisdom and discernment from God, we can choose wisely before trusting someone.

Thank you Lord for being my Helper. No matter what I'm facing, my trust is in you alone. Give me wisdom and discernment to choose friends who will want to see me succeed and will support me in times of trouble, I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!

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