Bible Verse for February 21st.

Rumours are dainty morsels that sink deep into one's heart.

Proverbs 26:22
NLT Bible

As children of God, we have to be very careful about what we listen to. There will always be someone wanting to share something with us, but we must be very particular about what we allow to fill our minds. Rumours are usually unconfirmed reports and are not necessarily true. Sometimes they are spread by people who want to discredit, belittle or ridicule another person or simply because they love to gossip. It's amazing though, how interest piques in a conversation when someone begins to divulge tidbits about another person.

We can choose to not be around people who spread rumours. Just the act of listening makes us willing participants in something that is meant to ruin another person and this tarnishes our faith. An interesting point to note is that if someone gossips about another person to us, they will certainly tear us apart as soon as our backs are turned. We've probably all been guilty of listening to rumours or possibly sharing them, but with God's help, we can purpose to stay away from this behaviour. It's a decision we must make if our desire is to live pleasing and acceptable lives before Almighty God.

Thank you Lord for Your Holy Spirit. I pray that I will be sensitive and obedient to the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit if I'm ever tempted to gossip. Let me never say anything to discredit another person or be a willing listener. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!

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