Bible Verse for June 30th

Jesus replied, "The Scriptures say, "You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him."

Luke 4:8

NLT Bible

Jesus was being tempted by satan, but He stood His ground telling him that the only Person to be worshiped is God alone. As believers, this is also our duty. We are to worship God and serve only Him. However, we are often guilty of worshiping people and even things, and somehow our devotion to God is no longer the number one priority in our lives.

Oftentimes, we try to do both. We profess our love and adoration for God, but we also obsess over people in our lives. It could be a loved one, a close friend, a celebrity or even something material. We begin to idolize that person or thing and our commitment  to God wanes. In everything, God must be first. He alone is worthy of our worship.

Thank you Lord for being my God. I worship and adore you. My desire is to serve you all the days of my life and to never let anything or anyone come before you. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lydia. So true, easy to become caught up in the things of this life and neglect our worship.
