Bible Verse for April 8th.

"Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough."

Matthew 13:33

NLT Bible

A small amount of yeast is able to permeate an entire batch of dough, causing it to rise and sometimes spill out of the bowl. Similarly, the things we allow in our lives can be likened to the pervading power of a small amount of yeast and become a catalyst for both good and bad. The good things like love, goodness, honesty, truth, purity and righteousness quickly fill our lives and spill over into our relationships with those around us.

Our bad habits, like yeast, can also grow and multiply until they are out of control. They contaminate our lives and then affect the lives of our loved ones and friends. As children of God, we must allow our love for God and each other to grow and fuel our actions to do all we can to share the Gospel and advance His Kingdom. 

Thank you Lord for Your wisdom. I pray that love, goodness and integrity will fill my life and affect the lives of those around me. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!


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