Bible Verse for March 8th.

And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.

Ezekiel 36:26
NLT Bible

This is God's gift to us when we enter into a personal relationship with Him. He gives us a new heart and puts a right spirit within us. A brand, new life is now available to us and we don't have to hold on to the negative emotions of the past. There are many people who have become tough, hardened and stubborn over time and it seems that nothing or no one can reach them. Thankfully, our God can. He is able to penetrate that hard heart and fill it with love, tenderness and compassion.

Change must first happen on the inside of us and when we allow God in, transformation takes place. He changes our undesirable and negative emotions and fills us with His love. Our hearts become softened and sensitive to those around us. We view and react to things differently and love becomes the focus of our actions, causing us to respond to people in a caring and compassionate manner. We may slip up at times and revert to our past behaviour, but it's just temporary if we stay in fellowship with God.

Thank you Lord for giving me a new heart and a new spirit. You've transformed my life, removed the hardness in my heart and filled me with tenderness and compassion. Help me to respond to others with a heart of love. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!

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