Bible Verse for February 28th.

"Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you."

Luke 10:19
NLT Bible

Almighty God has given us the authority to foil the plans of the enemy and we don't have to cower in fear when things go amiss. All we need to do is to use that authority God has given us and command the devil to flee and leave our lives. The enemy is sly and cunning, attacking us in subtle ways and we need to be alert and on guard to avoid falling victim to his tactics. When we are in a committed and ongoing relationship with God, there's no need for us to feel powerless and unprepared in the face of adversity.

When discord, rebellion, sickness, or any other form of trouble touches our lives, we need to use our God given authority, speak the Name of Jesus and loudly and boldly command the enemy to leave. The devil trembles at the name of Jesus and we need to speak it over and over again until he flees. Because of Jesus, we can be in the midst of storms and be assured that no harm will befall us.

Thank you Lord for the authority You have given me over the enemy. In the Name of Jesus, I command the enemy to leave my life, the lives of my loved ones and friends. Lord, because of you, nothing can harm me. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!

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