Bible Verse for April 29th.

For the Lord's sake, respect all human authority-whether the king as head of state, or the officials he has appointed.

1 Peter 2:13-14
NLT Bible

We live in an age where disrespect for authority, and in particular, our government leaders is evident. No governing body is perfect, but as the appointed leaders, it's our duty to respect and honour them. Oftentimes, we may disagree with some of the decisions that are made, but God requires us to pray for our leaders, respect and support them. We need to recognize that our children are looking at us and our behaviour needs to be exemplary in the way we speak about our leaders. We are not called to slander, attack or belittle anyone that serves in our government.

As children of God, we need to be catalysts for goodness and righteousness and we can do that by lifting up our leaders in prayer, asking God to give them wisdom to lead and make right decisions. God expects us to obey our leaders, except if we are ever called upon to do something that contradicts His Word. Then, we need to stand up for our beliefs in a loving and peaceful manner, without any disrespect or antagonism. People are looking at us and we need to be good ambassadors for Christ, showing honour and respect to those who govern our land. We must recognize that God is in control and His plan and purpose will ultimately prevail. Our duty is to simply be good and upright citizens.

Thank you Lord for the leaders of my country. Help me to obey, honour and respect them. Let me not be guilty of speaking ill or slandering any appointed official. I pray that You will lead and guide them to make wise decisions and to show concern for the citizens. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!

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