Bible Verse for April 28th.

But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. So he went to him and bandaged his wounds......and took care of him.

Luke 10:33-34
NKJ Bible

These verses are from one of the best known parables told by Jesus to illustrate who is really our neighbour. He tells of a Jewish man travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho and he is robbed, beaten and left half dead at the side of the road. Two persons pass by, look at the injured man and continue on their way. Then along comes a Samaritan, someone despised by the Jews and he looks at the man with love and compassion and tends to his wounds.

Many of us may see ourselves in any of the three persons who passed by. Maybe we are like the two who simply looked, recognized that here was a person in dire need of help, but figured that someone else would come along and do something about it because we were too busy or didn't want to get involved. Yet, some of us may be like the good Samaritan. We simply see the need, the cry for help and plunge in to do what we can to alleviate the pain of another human being. As children of God, we are to show love, mercy and compassion to all who need it, regardless of race, colour or creed. We are not called to discriminate or be selective in who we help. Our duty is to simply assist anyone in need, in whatever way we can. We cannot pass by on the other side expecting someone else to do it. Our love for God has to be evident in the way we treat others.

Thank you Lord for Your compassion and mercy. Help me to show Your love, mercy and kindness to all who may need it. Lord, may I never pass by and neglect to help anyone in need. Let my life reflect you, Lord, in my thoughts, words and actions. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed

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