Bible Verse for March 4th.

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Acts 20:35

NLT Bible

Some people love to give and then there are those who only prefer to receive. There's nothing wrong with being on the receiving end of things but it's nice to reciprocate. 'Givers' can testify to the fact that they are immeasurably blessed because of their giving and experience great joy in being able to do so.

This verse clearly tells us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. When we do, we pave the way for God to bless us with more. If we look closely at those who give of their time and resources we would see that they are happy and blessed. If we have been guilty of taking over and over again, it's time to unclench our fists and open ourselves to the joy of giving. God promises to bless us when we do.

Thank you Lord for all that You've given to me. Help me to bless others with all that I have. May I never be someone who simply receives without giving in return. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!
