Bible Verse for February 4th.

You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail.

Psalm 19:21

NLT Bible

Many of us are planners. We detail every step of our lives, outlining all the things we want to do and even when and how it should happen. What some of us fail to recognize is that God's purpose will prevail in it all. There's absolutely nothing wrong in planning, but we must surrender our lives to Him and understand that our plans must be in accordance with God's will for our lives. 

Some people want to control every aspect of their lives, become upset and fall apart when things don't go as planned. Walking in God's will means that we concede to what He wants for us knowing that He is in control. As a result, we're happy with the way things turn out, because we know that it's what God wants for us.

Thank you Lord  for directing my path. I relinquish control of my life to You and know that Your purpose will prevail. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!
