Bible Verse for January 28th.

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for He is right beside me.

Psalm 16:8

NLT Bible

This is such a reassuring truth for the child of God to know that He is always with us. It doesn't matter what we're experiencing, whether we're in the valley of despair or on the mountaintop of joy and bliss. It's His promise to us and can only happen if we're walking closely with Him and adhering to His laws and precepts.

If we take our eyes off God, become lukewarm and indifferent, we are now easy targets for the wiles of the enemy. Before long we find ourselves doing things that are contrary to God's Word and as a result, we grieve Him. The only way to live victoriously and know that God is always with us is to love and obey Him.

Thank you Lord for always being with me. Because of that, I will not be shaken when the storms of life swirl around me. I love you. Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!
