Bible Verse for November 26th.

If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.

Luke 11:36

NLT Bible

When a light is turned on in a dark room, immediately everything is illuminated. Light fills every corner and we are able to see things that weren't previously visible. Jesus is the light of the world and when we accept Him as Lord and Saviour of our lives, we radiate light. It's as if a floodlight is shining on us, illuminating His love and goodness residing in us.

When people look at us, they should see the radiance of Jesus. They should never see negativity, hopelessness or gloom. However, we cannot radiate God's light if we don't have a relationship with Him or neglect prayer and time in His Word. As believers, our desire should be to always shine brightly for Jesus. 

Thank you Lord for being the light of the world. I want to shine brightly for you and radiate Your light to others. May my life always reflect Your love, mercy and grace. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!
