Bible Verse for November 19th.

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Psalm 16:8

NIV Bible

We live in an age where it is crucial to keep our eyes on Jesus. Things are constantly changing and values and beliefs that are dear to us are being eroded. As followers of Jesus it is imperative for us to keep looking to Him. We have to walk closely with Him, obey and follow His precepts and instil His Word in the lives of our children.

If we take our eyes off Him, we will be easily lured into wrongdoing and sin. We cannot become complacent and be part time believers. God must dwell in every area of our lives and this can only happen if we keep our gaze fixed on Him. When we do, regardless of what comes our way we will not be shaken.

Thank you Lord for loving me. I pray that I will always keep my eyes focused on You. May I never be swayed by the wiles of the enemy. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!
