Bible Verse for August 27th.

Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Psalm 56:3

NKJ Bible

Fear can be crippling for many of us. We allow our insecurities, fear of the unknown and all the negative things that are happening around us to consume and overwhelm us. Soon, we become afraid and unable to function effectively and enjoy life.

The only solution to conquering fear is to trust God, rely on Him and give all our cares and concerns to Him. Then we can live life and carry on normally, secure in the knowledge that He's in control of everything. The storms may rage around us and situations may unnerve us, but we don't have to fear because God has placed within us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.

Thank you Lord for being with me always. I will not succumb to fear because Your spirit resides in me. I trust in You alone. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!
