Bible Verse for July 23rd.

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.

Isaiah 40:31

NKJ Bible

Waiting on the Lord is the best thing that a believer can do. It shows that our hope, trust and dependency is on God alone. It cements the fact that come what may, we're clinging and holding on to Him. When we fail to wait on God, we take matters into our own hands and act impulsively and rashly, resulting in our detriment and downfall.

As we wait on God our strength is renewed and energized. Our faith grows. Weariness and despondency leave us and we feel equipped to face whatever lies ahead. Waiting on God requires patience and implicit trust in Him alone. It gives us the assurance that in Him, we will have all we need to handle the inevitable problems life may bring us. 

Thank you Lord for Your strength. Regardless of what I may face in life, I will wait on You. As I do, I'm strengthened, revived and drawn closer to You. I love You, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!
