Bible Verse for September 26th.

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV Bible 

This verse encourages us to never give up. Life may be tiring at times and we can become exhausted and weary while working, but we should not be disheartened. Instead we simply need to keep on plodding with whatever kind of work we are doing. We need to recognize that everything takes time. A farmer knows that when he plants his crops, he must water and fertilize them for a period of time before being able to reap. He knows it’s a process that takes time and so he cares for his crops every day regardless of how he is feeling and ultimately, he is rewarded with a good harvest. Similarly, as children of God, we have to keep on working, never giving in to weariness and discouragement, because at the right time, we will be rewarded.

Regardless of how difficult our tasks may seem, we need to keep at it with patience and diligence. We could be taking care of elderly parents, looking after children, working as a frontline worker, as a custodian, a Sunday school teacher, a gardener or a sanitation worker. Whatever the job may be, while we are working, we need to keep on trusting God and be filled with hope knowing that our hard work will one day be rewarded. 

Thank you Lord for always being with me. Fill me with Your strength so that I will never give in to defeat and discouragement, but will keep on working. Make me a blessing to others. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!


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