Bible Verse for January 12th.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:6

NKJ Bible

Each day my prayer is that God would lead and direct me and be at the helm of everything I say and do. This is not only applicable to some aspects of my life but it involves being totally reliant and dependent on Him in every single area. It's a prayer that's said by many, but there's a prerequisite involved in having God direct our paths.

We are to acknowledge God in all our ways. This means knowing Him intimately and yielding to His will during good and bad times, happy and sad times, when encountering crises in our lives and basically in everything we could possibly face. If our desire is to know God and have Him direct us, we must spend time in His Word and in ongoing prayer and communication with Him.

Thank you Lord for directing my path. My desire is to know you and I submit to you, Lord Jesus. Lead and guide me in all I say and do. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!


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