Bible Verse for November 1st.

" Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are My disciples ".

John 13:35
NLT Bible

Jesus was telling His discipleship that their love for each other would let the world know that they were His followers. This holds true for us today as well. We have a mandate from God to love each other in the same way that He loves us. God loves us in spite of our faults, peculiarities, likes and dislikes. If we want to be known as His disciples, it is incumbent on us to love our fellow man. We don't have to agree with people or even share their ideologies to love them. In fact, we may not approve of their lifestyle, political affiliation or the choices they make but our love and devotion for God causes us to love them anyway.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to love those who are rich or poor, believers or non-believers along with those of every ethnicity, socio-economic and cultural background. Granted, some people are easier to love than others, but we are to love them anyway. We cannot pick and choose whom we should love. It's easy to love the people who are easy going, kind, caring and giving. However, it becomes somewhat difficult to love those who are grumpy, unkind, rude, sullen and seemingly different. Our duty as believers is to love others freely and unconditionally, showing God's love for each other in tangible ways, expecting nothing in return. When we truly love God, His love emanates from us and our love for one another is in turn genuine and sincere.

Thank you Lord for Your unconditional love. Help me to love others as You love. Let my love be authentic and sincere. May I love freely and without condemnation or judgement. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

Be Blessed!


  1. Love is great and hard. Only Jesus can make us love one another as God loves us. Thank you for the word. Amen

    1. Thank You! Trusting in Christ is all that matters. He loved and died for us so that through Him we too can love others.
